Darwin's Warm Little Pond: A One-Pot Reaction for Prebiotic Phosphorylation and the Mobilization of Phosphate from Minerals in a Urea-Based Solvent

TitleDarwin's Warm Little Pond: A One-Pot Reaction for Prebiotic Phosphorylation and the Mobilization of Phosphate from Minerals in a Urea-Based Solvent
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsBurcar, B, Pasek, M, Gull, M, Cafferty, BJ, Velasco, F, Hud, NV, Menor-Salván, C
JournalAngew Chem Int Ed Engl
Pagination13249 - 13253
Date PublishedOct-10-2016
Short TitleAngew. Chem. Int. Ed.